A.E.C. American English Camp Sarl



English Course

Level 1 till Level 4

Chinese Course

HSK 1 till HSK 5


Online Course

Everyday Course

Saturday class

Private Course

Our Students

AEC Students

Location : IA 75 Isoraka Antananarivo

Info : 038.05.609.33 

Location of AEC Madagascar



Welcome to A.E.C.Madagascar! I am Teacher Pascal VazahGasy the C.E.O of 

American English Camp, 

I would like to extend a warm welcome to you who are reading the articles on 

our web-site now.

A.E.C. Madagascar is an institute of American English that is located in the 

Capital of Madagascar, 

Antananarivo. We have been existing for more than 1 year and have been 

helping more than 1.500 students in Madagascar and overseas.

We have 2 branches of our Institute in the capital of Antananarivo, AEC ISORAKA 

(https://maps.app.goo.gl/B7RfhdydmmyDMqvh8) and also AEC TSARASAOTRA

(https://maps.app.goo.gl/gfPh5jibBcKXrzyT6) .

It is inevitable anymore than English language and Chinese language are very

important nowadays, so that is why AEC Madagascar also decided to teach

the Chinese language apart from the English language. Besides, there are

lots of opportunity our students can cease if they know how to speak Chinese,

so as an educator, we would like to provide the best for our students.

Madagascar is one of the poorest countries in the world which is a so bad, 

but that context can be changed with the power of English and Chinese 


Our Slogans are « THE NEW VIBES OF ENGLISH » and also « THE NEW VIBES OF 

CHINESE » which means, the way on how people should learn English and

Chinese must be different and more effective; because we really want our 

students to be able to use the language they learnt in their

real lives and be successful with it. 

FaceBook PAGE :www.facebook.com/aec.madagascar/ 


Level 1 : Brain soak (This is Beginners to Intermediates Level)

Level 2 : Accuracy  (This is Intermediates to Advanced Level) 

Level 3 : Dare to Talk (This is Advanced Level) 

Level 4 : Accuracy & Fluency Mastery (This is Superior Level) 

Each level lasts 2 months except the level 4 which lasts for 4 months and each class has 15 students maximum to maintain the quality of the result we provide for our students. In addition, our methodology is generally based on the usage of the natural intelligence of the brain and also grammar translation, so in 6 months the students can be capable in spoken english and can understand 70% to 90%, guarantee.   


HSK 1:  It lasts for 3 months.

HSK 2:  It lasts for 3 months. 

HSK 3:  It lasts for 3 months. 

HSK 4:  It lasts for 4 months. 

HSK 5:  It lasts for 4 months. 

Our chinese course does not focus only on speaking but on these 4 skills which are so crucial if you want to master the Chinese language: SPEAKING, WRITING, READING and LISTENING;


In terms of methodology, as me and my team are Malagasy we would like to bring and apply an efficient 

methodology that can make Malagasy citizen speaking English like an American; because the fact that we are 

Malagasy and have control of American English is totally an advantage to teach and convey American English for Malagasy people. 

Generally, we exploit the natural intelligence and brilliance of the brain for people who learn English language at 

AEC acquiring American English naturally and in a very effective and fun way. As we like to teach especially 

spoken English (Because that is the skills that required the most from many different big companies), 

that demands different approach and action from us to make it real and to make it happens, to be more 

different and more effective and also faster.  We use « Grammar Translation » to teach people English here, 

which is based on translation. In Grammar translation methodology, we can immediately translate what is the 

meaning of the English word we learn in Malagasy to hasten the way on how students acquire American English. 

We can easily translate English to Malagasy and also Malagasy to English, that’s one of our advantages here 

for us to speed up the process to make people speaking English.

Not only that but there are secrets that we combine with the translation for students to learn the English 

language without feeling under pressure but enjoying their learning. How is that possible? We found the secrets 

and the right methodology for it, and this is for real not a jargon.

Myself and my team are able to speak English like Americans, we also sound like Americans when we are speaking English. So, it is part of our mission as well to make people feel like talking with native speakers when they are 

conversing with us here at school or in the street.

Why we called our institute « English Camp » not « English School »?

You know, we would like to gather majority of people to make some exchange in terms of many things and to 

help each other for Malagasy society to raise up together. That mindset is more possible with the atmosphere 

of Camp not school; I’m not saying the vibes of school is bad but we just like to be different to help a lot of people.

AEC Isoraka Classroom 

Location : IA 75 Isoraka Antananarivo

Info : 038.05.609.33 

AEC Tsarasaotra Classroom 

2nd Branch: Morarano Tsarasaotra

Info : 034.81.653.97

Next start every month

New Class Open 

Hi Guys :  Our New Class Start Enroll now 

what you waiting for !

Join Now :AEC  the new vibes of English 

For more information call : +261 38 05 609 33 / +261 34 81 653 97

Our Students 

Come  and Join Us 

International Forum 

CCI Ivato

Hi Guys !

watch up our team video , 

The New Vibes of English !


Our Students 


Our Students 


Our Students 






Success talk with the CEO of AEC

Visit at the University

The CEO of American English Camp was invited by the students of the University ISCAM.


Self-discipline: we share to our students the habits that are required for them to be successful not only in 

English but in everything they are doing, however that requires high degree and level of self-discipline.

Mindset: it is so crucial to know that the success of everything we are doing depends on our mindset. 

That is to say we also train our students to get the right mindset, for the sake of their English as well as for 

them to be a good citizen and to be an example of Malagasy neighborhood and society. Real development starts 

from the right mindset.

Independence: many people moan about « they have no partner to practice, that’s why they cannot speak 

English » or after few months of learning English, some people forget already how to express themselves 

fluently in English. AEC Madagascar fights against that misconception and problem, instead we offer the 

secrets and tips to all students that learn English at AEC to be always more independent, not only in English 

but in everything they do. Self-discipline is a big part of that. So, with a partner to practice or not, AEC students 

will always be independent and also fluent because we know the secrets on how to be one!


Diversity: to be different is awesome, we would like to gather together the difference of our students to create 

a huge inspiring image and example for Madagascar and all Malagasy people. Because we believe and certain 

that together we can advance ourselves and as well as Madagascar.

It’s so obvious that developing ourselves, developing a country. So, developing Malagasy citizen faster will be 

developing Madagascar faster. How to do that? Through English.


American English Camp is here for that, to bring the vibes and Atmosphere of success for Madagascar and all 

Malagasy people.

American English Camp with Teacher Pascal VazahGasy and his team is working hard to make change in 

Madagascar because that how we should expect change, we also believe the change for Malagasy and 



We are looking forward to seeing you and receiving you at American English Camp to be part of our community!
